Even though UPS and BikesDirect said someone would have to sign for the package the driver left it on my porch. No one was home yet, so it was a good thing.
The box arrived in great shape. It hardly looked like it had been shipped.

I opened the top of the box and the bike lifted right out. Separate from the bike were the seat/seatpost combo and a box of small stuff. I was pleased to see how carefully it was packed. There was a lot of padding and a few special plastic parts to keep it safe. Just unwrapping it took a bit of time. I liked the look a lot, except for the cheeseball reflectors. Yikes, those will have to go right away! I wasn't nuts about the carbon cranks. They looked scuffed up, then I realized they're supposed to look like that. I felt a bit better when Joyce came over and commented that she really liked how they look.

When that's done the bike will be "ready," but it won't be ready for me. I'll be changing out the 36-tooth chain ring, moving the front brake control to the right side, hooking up a Paul e-Lever to control the back brake, moving the left brake-shifter a lot, re-taping the bars, and likely changing the front caliper from the Cane Creek to the Dura Ace model I have on my other bike.
All in all, this seems like it's been a great deal so far. Now I just have to finish it and actually get on it!
Buy the way, all photos are clickable to see larger versions.

UPDATE: Paul Components hasn't shipped my brake lever yet. %#!$%?&