Saturday, April 14, 2018

Party Pardee in the rain 2018

We woke up the morning of the 2018 Party Pardee ride to see a dark windy morning with rain.  Tricia looked at me and said "I didn't sleep well, I think I'm getting a cold, and my stomach doesn't feel good. Let's go!"

So we drove to Ione to start our 100K in the rain. We wore our most geeky bike clothes with rain pants and rain jackets and even super-bright booties Monroadie gave us. We rode under dark skies and through puddles. Check the thirty-second long video.

Eventually, much to my surprise, not only did the rain stop, but the clouds broke up and we finished with a sunny warm day.
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  1. That was beautiful! My most memorable rides have some rain in them.

  2. Love the music accompanying your video. Hard not to be happy about rain riding listening to that little ditty!


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