Thursday, October 20, 2016

Bike names and tilting at windmills

Giant photo on Adventure Cycling van

We thought we were going to the Marin Headlands Hostel to meet up with a tour heading from Canada to Mexico and see the Adventure Cycling trailer with Tricia on it, but it turns out we got a van. I guess we're still on the lookout for the trailer. Still, pretty darn cool. Maybe we should do the same thing to our Subaru.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Bicycle birthday present, part 1

My wonder-full colleague, Jaime, designed a poster of a bicycle made entirely with type. That's right, everything in that bike is from the keyboard. It's too hard to read in my photo, but she also added a key, explaining each bike part, typeface and letter she used. 

Then, for my birthday, she had a shirt made. 

Talk about niche design. It's the perfect tee shirt for a type-loving bicycle junkie. Be jealous, all my designer biking friends.

Hey! It's available for everyone now! You can buy one right here!