I started signing us up and it just got out of hand, but it was too late to stop once I'd hit the first button. The ride itself is only $85. It's when I started adding up all the other smallish pieces it went through the roof. At least they provide food on the ride. And I'm sure gas will be back to a buck a gallon by this summer, so that won't be an issue.
We had a great time last year, so maybe this year will be as good. Maybe better as we can turn th trip into family extravaganza by visiting Tricia's new child of her child (we've so far avoiding the G-word around here.)
If you're going on this year's STP please leave a comment and say what jersey you'll be in and bike you'll be on. Heck, there are only a zillion people there. Maybe we'll see you.
Redspoke Chris again... I'm doing it with my brother in 1-day. I will be wearing the ultra hip Sacraemento Oldmen, err, I mean Sacramento Wheelmen jersey because I want club mileage. I'll also be wearing it at the Davis Double. Your Kestrel should be easy to spot. I look forward to meeting some of the BF folks soon.