Saturday, September 12, 2015

Delta De Anza Trail and Los Medanos College connected at last

Ken Alexander commutes on the new connector between LMC and the Delta De Anza Trail
— Photo by Joey Delano
Los Medanos College now has a paved connector to the Delta De Anza Trail on the South East side of the campus. It's been a long time coming, but with a few student voices and the support of the college president it now exists.

Really, this announcement is a touch premature, but I'm so excited I want to post it anyway. It's early because there are still 10 feet left to pave — the space between the college fence and the trail is still dirt. East Bay Regional Parks gave their blessing, but the Contra Costa Water District owns the property and hasn't given it the green light yet. Apparently there is enough paperwork involved that building a sky scraper wouldn't take any more.

But I don't care. It will happen some day, and in the mean time the remaining trail is a delight.

I hope when it's finalized there is some appropriate entrance signage, but even if there isn't, it's wonderful.

Here's a link to my original advocacy video
Here's the story that appeared in the Los Medanos College Experience newspaper

1 comment:

  1. Good work Curtis. Changing things for the better.


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