Saturday, March 01, 2014

#30daysofbiking again

I just signed up for 30 Days of Biking again. I'm the 396th person to do so this year. I have promised to ride every day in April. Why, you may ask? I don't know. All the cool events are in Minneapolis, so I won't be attending, but what the heck. Maybe you don't have a reason not to signup, and want to. Here's where to do it.

Here's their spiel.
Joining 30 Days of Biking means pledging to ride a bike every day in April.
Through rain, shine or blizzard. To the store, around the block, or 20 miles. Make it happen, then share your adventures online—via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, you name it—with our worldwide community of joyful cyclists. Hashtag #30daysofbiking.

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