Steve's photo of us in our unauthorized jerseys |
I love the
Quack Cyclists, the folks who put on the Devil Mountain Double and the Knoxville Double century rides. They run a great ride, have wonderful volunteers and the best support I've ever experienced. But they come up just a tad short in one area.
After finishing the Devil Mountain Double my riding partner Dan bought their DMD ride jersey. Now, bearing in mind how wonderful the Quacks are, and that I'm a regular grumblebutt when it come to jerseys, let me just put this on the table: It's my least favorite jersey ever. Sorry. I hate the colors, and the graphic of the cyclist whipping the devil is in questionable taste. I may be overly sensitive to type, but typography on this jersey makes me weep. To top if off there's an exclamation point — do I need that to make a point that's it's 200 miles? — and even a misspelling. Ironically our friend Veronica had one she didn't want, and gracefully donated it to me. I didn't mind wearing it too much because I couldn't see it when I had it on. But I sure didn't like having to see it when I rode with Dan. Yet he kept wearing it, I guess because the ride is such an accomplishment that a little jersey-based bragging is entirely appropriate.
Because I didn't like looking at the jersey, and because Dan acted as my personal domestique to get me through the DMD, I thought I'd concoct a jersey I liked (because it is, after all, all about
me) and present it him as a reward for his faithful service. It would be a thank you, and a way to save my delicate eyeballs.
Official jersey on left, my unauthorized version on right |
Backs of the official jersey on left, and my unauthorized version on right. |
Most cycling jersey manufacturers have huge minimum orders, but I found one in China that would make just two for a reasonable price. With that in mind, I started working on my own DMD design. When I finished it looked like it was missing something, so I added sponsors. Yes, we have sponsors. We'd never get through these rides without the support of our families, to say nothing of them driving us home when we are stupid tired.
Our sponsors:
- Campbell Coaching for Cyclists — For my wife Tricia
- Julie's Jewels, refining diamonds in the rough for over 15 years — For Dan's wife julie
- Michael Aerospace, rocket science for the home — Dan's son, Michael
- Erin & Erin Cupcake Factory, We both have daughters named Erin
- Oldstrong Racing, Dan's Bikeforum name is Lance Oldstrong
- Dancing Bear Productions, because I always say "It's not how well the bear dances, but that the bear dances at all"
- Corlew and Butler International, because we are worldwide
That done, a little bastard Latin on the collar, "In Ascendo Est Verum" (In Climbing, Truth,) a set of horns in a "D" and a tail on the "Y" and the design launched on a slow boat to China. OK, really. it was sent over the internet at light speed.
Logos a plenty |
Detail of design for back |
After I surprised Dan with his jersey, he suggested a 37 mile shakedown ride with 4800 feet of climbing with Steve that he calls "Pigs, 6 Bears, Wildcat and Happy Valley."
Steve loved our swell togs, and even contributed a photo to this post. I was inspired to take the first hill and find a new highest heart rate ever. I faded quickly after that, but still had a great ride.