Thursday, November 23, 2017

Tricia's Salsa Vaya first ride

This can't really be a review because I didn't ride it, she did. But she seems happy. She likes the feel, the 40mm tires, and the gearing. It feels like it fits, though a minor tweak may be in order. She'll get a different saddle eventually. And water bottle cages. And lights. And a rack. And panniers.

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Salsa Vaya. Orange you glad she got a new bike

Tricia and her new Salsa Vaya

I'd been wondering why a middle school teacher would volunteer to take on an extra class. When Tricia announced she was getting herself an early Christmas present I knew why.

It's a swell Salsa Vaya. She'll use it for commuting, light touring and maybe a bit of playing on dirt roads first.

The bike comes with 40mm tires and has sane gearing with 48-32 and 11-36.

Like all new bikes, it's pretty now. But soon it will have water bottle cages, lights, a rack and panniers, a Garmin and a tail light. Maybe a front facing camera. We should enjoy it as it is, for a moment, standing as a work of art before it becomes a work horse.

I'm also placing partial blame (or credit) on Russ Roca from Path Less Pedaled, who wrote glowingly about this bike, and Adventure Cycling's Jim Sayer who toured on one last summer and wrote about it.

Tip o' the hat to Huckleberry Bicycles in Berkeley for having a timely sale and being pretty darn pleasant to deal with.

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Friday, November 10, 2017

A good commute. Rainbow!

Giro D' Vino 2017

What's my blog without a yearly Giro D' Vino post? I'm not about to find out

Weather was cool, but no rain and no fog and not much wind worked for me. As always we bougght more wine than we'd planned for. Oh well.

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