Fine, I thought, and started working to close the gap, which wasn't closing nearly as quickly as I thought it should be. Then she hit a rise, stood up and applied more power. Jeezel Pete I thought as I did the same, breathing hard and not catching up.
Then suddenly at the top of a small rise she almost stopped, and, doing a near track stand, stood tall, and surveyed the area like a bird of prey. She suddenly swooped down on a woman and young child standing behind a car on a suburban driveway.
"Excuse me, but did you know how close you came to me back there?" she asked in a completely sweet and innocent tone.
"No." said the woman. "I'm sorry."
"I didn't think so." said Tricia, who went on to ask her to be careful out there.
What made it even more perfect was that the woman just happened to be unloading a child's bike, presumably for the child with her, from her trunk.
"You'll have a cyclist of your own soon. Do you have a helmet?"